Thick Shake

Milkshakes comprise of three fundamental fixings: milk, flavor andThick shake ice cream. The difference in the amount of ingredients gives rise to two different drinks – milkshake and thick shake. So as per one’s taste, it comes in various flavors.

Well, there are lots of ways, you can make a thick shake:

  • Utilize a milkshake maker as opposed to a blender. Foaming of the milk is the one that has any kind of effect regarding how thick your milkshake can turn out.
  • More ice cream than milk. This will guarantee your milkshake turns out incredibly thick. Consider of adding 4-6 scoops for some milkshake.
  • Utilize full cream milk. Go for full cream milk and you will see a major contrast in how your milkshake will turn out.
  • Else, you can use banana to make your mix a more denser.

Thick Shake Mix Recipe:

Well, you have two options. Either you collect all the ingredients and blend them together. Or, you can use thick shake mix, in which you only have to add milk and you have your thick shake ready. We provide customized flavors as per on your demand.

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